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(Aussenjam) #61 Three Pennies on a Rail - Clayville

Hi guys

It looks like I get to kick things off over here, too -- and if the first four or five jammers over at the Les Paul Forum are any indication, it's a good thing to get mine out of the way (wait until you hear hayman's take)!

Thanks so much to Jochen for the opportunity to contribute to the backing, and for the great long distance friendship and fun.

Clays Three Penny Rail

Re: (Aussenjam) #61 Three Pennies on a Rail - Clayville

Thanks very much for the listen and the compliments guys!

The first and main guitar is a Gibson CS-356 - I've never been quite sure if it's the ebony board or the overall body design that gives it that bright Tele-like sound on the bridge pickup, but it's a very versatile guitar with a great woody neck pickup tone not in evidence here as well. The second guitar that comes in (with the heavier reverb) is a Nashville Tele. Both guitars are stock, and were recorded direct with a Womanizer pedal. Reverb and delays came from ProTools.


Re: (Aussenjam) #61 Three Pennies on a Rail - Clayville

Hi Clay,

first: thanks again, you and Bigs really brought this backing to live. :-)

I said it so often, I really like your strong leadplaying and your wonderful 356 is a perfect match to your style - snappy and with lots of wood in the tone at the same time. That combined with your wonderful feel and your always great layering technique is always a guaranty to me for a excellent listen.

As I said across the hall, at 0:56 a magic moment begins. Awesome take!

cheers and thanks


Re: (Aussenjam) #61 Three Pennies on a Rail - Clayville

Hi Clay,

very nice - cool us style playing - and cool jochen style playing too.

It´s hard to play slower than Jochen - the unbeaten King of SloMoSoloing...

I liked the "duelling" guitars - and hope tomorrow I can hear the end of the song.

I allways get "Windows Media Player cannot play the file because a network error occurred" the hole day.

Greetinx *

P.S. hat sonst auch jemand die Netz Probleme ?

Re: (Aussenjam) #61 Three Pennies on a Rail - Clayville

Lonestar: I forgot to say that where I come from Jochen is one of the fast ones!

I'm always adding layers to cover up my slow playing and make it sound like I'm doing more than the same old pentatonics. But you're right -- there seems to be a differant "native" style here, where players seem to have a much wider sense of the fretboard, a broader sense of harmony, and better shred chops, than most of the guys at the Les Paul Forum. For some of them that's propbably due to the heritage of the instrument, but for me it's due to having 2 cylinder fingers instead of a big old V8 ! I have to get by with simple melodies and swing.


Re: (Aussenjam) #61 Three Pennies on a Rail - Clayville


Mine is a 2003 in Quilted Heritage Darkburst that came from a special run with premium woods at Music Machine -- a former Gibson dealer that did a great job at online sales before Gibson shut that down. I thought the model seemed like a great idea, and 335's always felt to large to me (I'm not the largest guy in the world). But I had a very hard time finding one to try. In the end, I took a chance on this beauty and had it shipped across the U.S. to me before I'd every played one. I love it!
Almost as woody sounding as a 335, almost as much "balls" as an LP, and actually pretty spnaky on the bridge pickup like a Tele. Mine looks like this (if I can figure out how to post an image!)

Clays 356

Re: (Aussenjam) #61 Three Pennies on a Rail - Clayville


ouch - this one you´ve posted looks killer.
i owned a 335 years ago and possibly it was not the right time for me for a semi hollow.
in these days i often played with tons of gain.
last year i found an old super reverb in the us and with this tone monster i loose more and more the need for gain and enjoy the SRV influenced sounds.
possibly the time for a new try with a semi has come..... but don´t tell it to my wife ;-)))))


Re: (Aussenjam) #61 Three Pennies on a Rail - Clayville

Hi Clay,

"Mine looks like this (if I can figure out how to post an image!)"

Here's your pic:

Beautiful guitar btw. :-)

Our main-webmaster made a tool, it's here: Friedlink - linking tool

It can be used for links, images and image-links and it's easy to use.

First you have to choose what kind of link you want, a normal link (to a website, a file aso - that kind of link you used in your post), a graphical link (creates a link to a picture, for example you post a thumbnail of your guitar and when you click to it a new page opens with the pic in it's original size) or a graphic (that's what I used above).

Here's an example for the graphical link:

(just click on the little pic and the bigger version will open in a new window)

There are two buttons saying: "Mach mir den Link" and "link für UBB-Foren", the left one works here and with normal webpages, the right one works perfect on the LPF.

Hope that was of any help,


Re: (Aussenjam) #61 Three Pennies on a Rail - Clayville

Hi Clayville,

You don't "push as much air" as you would with a 335, but 95% of the tone is there for me.
Sounds tantalizing :-).

Here are a couple of pictures I've saved of other people's 336/356 models to show the size compared to an LP and to a 335.
Thanks, that's very helpful as I never had such a guitar in my hands (as opposed to a LP).
