Re: (Aussenjam) #61 Three Pennies on a Rail - Clayville

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Beitrag von Clayville vom September 26. 2006 um 04:14:04:

Als Antwort zu: Re: (Aussenjam) #61 Three Pennies on a Rail - Clayville geschrieben von Clayville am September 26. 2006 um 04:03:53:

Lonestar: I forgot to say that where I come from Jochen is one of the fast ones!

I'm always adding layers to cover up my slow playing and make it sound like I'm doing more than the same old pentatonics. But you're right -- there seems to be a differant "native" style here, where players seem to have a much wider sense of the fretboard, a broader sense of harmony, and better shred chops, than most of the guys at the Les Paul Forum. For some of them that's propbably due to the heritage of the instrument, but for me it's due to having 2 cylinder fingers instead of a big old V8 ! I have to get by with simple melodies and swing.


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