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aussenjam #45 Greetings from Boston

Sorry for the English, it is all I know.

I came looking for my Les Paul Forum friend Jochen since I missed his playing so much, and see that you have been missing him too.

While I was here, I fell in love with Martin's great backing and gave it my best shot. The LPF crew knows me for doing multiple layers to hide my lack of speed, and this example is probably the most over-the-top in that regard. The acoustic didn't need any help from me, but got it anyway. Three layers of J-100 Extra (mahogany from 1995) direct into an Sm57, three layers of a Nashville Tele, one of a Gibson CS-356 and one layer of my trashy 1970s Epiphone solidbody for the crunchy rhythm. The electrics went through a Womanizer (thanks Jochen!). Lots of ProTools plugins to try and hold it all together when I got obsessive with the headphones.

I was moving pretty fast when recording and should have stopped to fix things before I twisted the knobs! Thanks for the use of the great backing, Martin. I know your friends at the LPF would love to try their hands at this one!

Clayville Looking for Jochen (aussen45)


Re: aussenjam #45 Greetings from Boston

Hi Clay,

as Mike already wrote, most of us get by fairly well with English. Nice to read You.
I just listened to Your track in relaxed morning mode and it is quite an appealing piece of music.
See, I am much more away from being a fast player than
You but it is all about using your abilities and feeling happy about it, isn't it?
I like the way You use yours.

Cheers, Michl (which is about the same as Michael :-) )

Re: aussenjam #45 Greetings from Boston

Thanks Michael. When I was about halfway through I saved the file as "Looking Over Jochen's Shoulder", since I was sort of illicitly borrowing the jam. After adding a few more layers, I changed it to "Still Looking" to hide my stealthy activities a bit. ;)

It's great to hear your playing again, btw.

: : Sorry for the English, it is all I know.
: LOL,
: Gday Clay,
: great take, I too couldn't resist Martins great backing.
: As for your title, I'm not sure what you are still looking for!
: You got it all, the licks the tone and the mojo.
: Well done...
: seagate