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Das ganz normale Leben einer Stompbox (USA)

Wahrlich kein Zuckerschlecken:

Krieg ...

"Built like a tank (German Tank, Nazi Tank, German Nazi Tank etc) …"
"This thing is built like a Panzer tank. If you threw it at somebody, you could probably kill them!"
"A big fucking tank-like brick."
"Main Battle Tank housing."
"It's a little maroon Sherman tank"
"Built like a bloody tank. Its been dropped from at least 12 feet, and thrown around. Keeps
on tickin."
"Absolutey built like a tank-and-a-half!"
"this things a tank, it been kicked, dropped, stepped on, jumped on, landed on, and it
runnin fine"
"Hell, this mutha' is built solid like a huge Navy Aircraft carrier!!!"
"Built in WW II"
"..not going anywhere until after the atomic bombs drop …"
"Built to withstand a Nuclear Holocaust!"
" … this thing could survive a nuclear blast …"
"Hell, its a F@$n tank. You could drop this on Japan for all I know, and it would probably
make a bigger hole than that nuclear bomb did."
" … could probably make it through a nuclear explosion … "
"Totally doubles as a weapon"
"I feel quite confident that you could throw a grenade at it and have it working straight away.

Gewalt durch Choleriker ...
"Jump on it, drop it, chuck it at the wall and it'll still work - I know, I've tried."

Sadisten ..
"Of course, the fact that it's indestructible isn't an open invitation to go and drop it seven hundred thousand times, even though it probably would work like new if you did"
"break....... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Masochisten ...
"dropped it on my foot and it fucked up my toe. it's a rock."

Adipöse …
"Constantly putting all my weight on it. I tend to stand on the distortion pedal, so I can control that while I use the wah."

Bauarbeiter …
"You could drop a brick house on this thing and it would be OK"

Heimwerker …
". could beat the SHIT out of it with a sledgehammer and it would still work …

Autofahrer …
"I'd run over it with my car repeatedly just fer kicks"

Militante Autofahrer …
"this pedal is a tank! you could take it out..........with a gun! this thing is die cast, and almost impossible to break by hand. you could run it over and the car would take more damage"

Pogotanzende Alkoholiker …
"The unit is a tank, unless you like dropped it in a bucket of beer or something, it'l take any beating you can dish out. (Like if you did a 5-foot pogo jump off of a chair and landed right on it)"

Sportfans …
"The TERMINATOR or that BOX, I'dactually put my money on that stomp thang."

Sonstige Tiere …
"Built to last an attack by a gorilla with a sledgehammer …"

und immer wieder Schlagzeuger ...
"I've had to use it to beat drunked drummers into a coma and it still plays great. But a lead
singer jumped off a bunk-bed once at practice and bend the knobs."
"You might be able to break it with a very heavy hammer made out of depleted uranium... or maybe your drummer"

It has never failed me. As a paperweight

Konkurrenzgeräte …
You could throw this against three Boss pedals and it would kill'em all! Its built like a big ol' Edsel!

Zweifelhafte Komplimente:
"It's more reliable than my toothbrush, and let me just tell you that it's been in places other than my mouth!!"

Das Ende: Verwitwet ...
"I've got 20 bucks that says this thing lasts longer than I do"

Lebendig begraben …
"I'll probably be buried with it."

Ab und zu gibt´s aber auch ein echtes Kompliment (Schwiegersöhne aufgepaßt: Muttertag ist nicht mehr weit):

"It's a tank. It's built like your mom!"

Cheers, Harvey

(Quellenangabe: Harmony Central, die drei erstbesten User-Kritiken, Abschnitt "Reliability").