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Re: AussenJam 45, Greetings from OZ

Sea! Really nice melodic playing that builds wonderfully, and a great set of tones for this track. I really liked how seemlessly you added the percussive touches and the synth. Great mix, too.
Funny to be hearing you over here (LPF seems down the last 18 hours or so), but very glad I did!

: Hi all,
: not sure this is the right area to post my take on #45...
: I couldn't resist Martins backing when Jochen posted it to the LPF, so here is my take:
: Seagates New Year Jam
: Thank you Martin for the backing.
: michael aka seagate

Re: AussenJam 45, Greetings from OZ

Hi Michael, welcome to our little cosy home....

: not sure this is the right area to post my take on #45...
Exactly the perfect way to do :-)

: I couldn't resist.....

Well done! I like your tone & sound - it reminds me - in a positive way - a little of Eric Johnson. Very smooth, the synthstuff is great as well. Great arrangement and tasty lines. If there is something to critic from my side it might be the mostly binary (if this is the right term??) usage of notes. Some more swing would make it even more entertaining and exiting!

Best run,


Re: AussenJam 45, Greetings from OZ

: Hi Michael, welcome to our little cosy home....

Thank you. although I'm not sure I'll around much, reading in German gives me a headache pretty quickly. :)

: Well done! I like your tone & sound - it reminds me - in a positive way - a little of Eric Johnson. Very smooth, the synthstuff is great as well. Great arrangement and tasty lines. If there is something to critic from my side it might be the mostly binary (if this is the right term??) usage of notes. Some more swing would make it even more entertaining and exiting!

Point taken, one of my biggest issues is braking out of the box shapes that I apprear to be stuck in. I hear all this stuff in my head but just can't play it... :(

Thanks again