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(Aussenjam) #69 Sixes and Nines

Greetings Aussenjammers!

This is a wonderful, dreamy backing with a great sound to it. Thanks!

On my take, I mostly just locked into the groove and stayed there hunting for a melody. This was my CS-356 into a Womanizer pedal with reverb and delay from ProTools. The second layer also went into a Crybaby Classic.

My take is over at Soundclick:
Sixes and Nines

PS: I know some of you have found this already, but since I don't read German it is hard for me to tell if the rest of you Soundclick users have discovered their new bid to become like MySpace. A member can now click My.Soundclick and easily build a homepage like this:
Flashy Clay at Soundclick



Re: (Aussenjam) #69 Sixes and Nines

Thanks Mike.

On the Crybaby... I was about to give up and try a different wah about a year ago, but I opened it up and adjusted the teeth on the pot to change the range a little as a Last Chance sort of move and got it to sound much better than it had sounded before.

Seems to work well for this sort of slow, blooming, controlled use... not so good for the classic funk wacka wacka wacka sound, and not so good for Jimi!

Re: (Aussenjam) #69 Sixes and Nines

Thanks Andi,

Lately my Crybaby seems to be adding a touch of gain on the highs (or maybe I'm dialing some in that only makes it out at the "full toe" part of the rocker??) so with these slow swoops and an added delay... I'm liking how it heads for the horizon on a single note like at the end of these phrases.