Re: (voellig Off-Topic) Kalender-Server

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Beitrag von Der Felix vom August 14. 2008 um 18:29:16:

Als Antwort zu: (voellig Off-Topic) Kalender-Server geschrieben von ullli am August 14. 2008 um 15:22:17:

Achso, aus dem FAQ:

"How can I publish my events on a remote server?
You can publish events from the calendar to an FTP server (Sunbird only) or a webDAV enabled web server. You can also use the calendar to subscribe to these events as well.
How can I serve my shared calendars?

To share your calendars, you need access to a webDAV server. If you run your own web server, you can install mod_dav, a free Apache module that will turn your web server into a webDAV server. Instructions on how to set it up are on their website. Once you set up your webDAV server, you can publish your calendar to the site, then subscribe to it from any other Calendar. Automatically updating the calendar will give you a poor man's calendar server."

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