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John Peel R.I.P.

Ich bin echt geschockt.


Veteran BBC broadcaster John Peel has died at the age of 65, while on holiday in Peru.

Peel, whose radio career spanned 40 years, was on a working holiday in the city of Cuzco with his wife Sheila when he suffered a heart attack.

He was BBC Radio 1's longest-serving DJ and in recent years had also presented Home Truths on Radio 4.

Radio 1 controller Andy Parfitt said Peel's contribution to modern music and culture was "immeasurable".

'Hugely missed'

He added: "John Peel was a broadcasting legend. I am deeply saddened by his death as are all who work at Radio 1.

It was because of him I got to hear some of the most obscure but influential music I ever heard
James Dean Bradfield "John's influence has towered over the development of popular music for nearly four decades.

"Hopeful bands all over the world sent their demo tapes to John knowing that he really cared.

"His commitment and passion for new music only grew stronger over the years. In fact, when I last saw him he was engaged in a lively debate with his fellow DJs over the state of new music today

"He will be hugely missed."

Mr Parfitt told Radio 1's Newsbeat that Peel had been on a holiday of a lifetime when he died.

He added: "He had gone on holiday with Sheila to a place where he had always wanted to go."

Mainstream music

Peel was born in Heswall, near Liverpool, and after completing his military service in Britain in 1962, went to the US where he began working for a radio station in Dallas.

He joined Radio 1 at the launch in 1967, and established himself with the late night programme Top Gear.

He became one of the first DJs to give exposure to punk, reggae, hip-hop, before they crossed over into the mainstream.

Peel was a member of Radio 1's original line-up

James Dean Bradfield, lead singer of the Manic Street Preachers, paid tribute to Peel.

He told BBC News Online: "It was because of him I got to hear some of the most obscure but influential music I ever heard.

"He was a lifeline to hearing music I would never have heard otherwise. The service he provided was getting to hear music that you couldn't buy in Cardiff. He was a portal to a whole new world."

Gruff Rhys, of the Super Furry Animals, said the band was in "shock".

"He was very inclusive of all kinds of music, very open-minded, and introduced a lot of diverse music to the public.

"He championed Welsh language music and for years was the only DJ on national radio who was willing to embrace it.

"He was very wary of trends such as Britpop, he was introducing people to drum 'n' bass and techno, things that were going on outside of the media."

After announcing Peel's death on Radio 1, the station played his favourite song, Teenage Kicks, by The Undertones.

Re: John Peel R.I.P.

Nach dem Mittagessen machte sich noch ein Kollege die Muehe, die Undertones aus der Bibliothek zu holen, und wir haben einen Toast auf den Gnom gesprochen/genommen. Jetzt spielen sie das Stueck natuerlich seit Stunden im Fernsehen. Irgendwer verdient sich da noch mal eben dumm und daemlich am guten Herrn Peel :0)

Es ist ein Jammer - er war wirklich ein toller Kerl (auch wenn er gehorig eine Meise hatte, und wir haeufig nur zugehoert haben, um uns an seinen legendaeren Schnitzern zu delektieren....) und hat nicht nur Musikprogramme gemacht, sonder hier auch sehr erfolgreich ein anspruchsvolles "Hausfrauenprogramm"...

Natuerlich hat er in erster Linie mehr fuer die Musik, und die Vielfalt derer, getan als wahrscheinlich irgendwer anderes im Sendebetrieb in Europa. Die BBC hat in den Nachrichten auch gerne unterschlagen, dass Peel im Piratenfunk gross wurde (Und das BBC 1 (mit Peel als Gruendermitglied) nur durch das Piratenradio erzwungen wurde....).

Kein DJ wird in keinem Sender (jedenfalls hier nicht auf den Inseln) jemals wieder erlaubt kriegen, solch unkommerzielle Musik zu spielen.

RIP "Oh, sorry, I was planning a killer mix there, don't know why it quite came off..."

gut ton wherever you are!