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Demnächst: CORDUROY bei Musik am Fluss, Blauer Steg, Frankfurt Rödelheim am Samstag, den 25. Mai 2024, gegen 18:00 Uhr.

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(Aussenjam) 84 Compost

Wolfgang -- thanks for putting this great backing up over at the LPF.Gave me a great excuse to check in with the great players of the Aussensaiter.

I left comments for you and Jochen at the LPF.

Here's my humble effort, sort of the opposite of Legato's take! My playing is very careless here... stuck in a rut.

CS-356 into a BD-2 and a Womanizer pedal with convolution reverb and Vintage Warmer added in ProTools.

Re: (Aussenjam) 84 Compost

hi clay
careless: no!!! there are not so many notes, but you put them in with bluesy feel and emotion, according to the backing. that sounds good. I like the guitar sound, very direct and punchy, maybe a little to loud. could be better mixed, if I may say this?

Re: (Aussenjam) 84 Compost

Hi Clay,

that's a beautiful melodic take with your wonderful trademark tone.

Played with great sense for the backing and btw not careless to me, quite the opposite.

Loved the build up, especially when you dig harder and put more and more energy to it.

To me a very fine listen, cheers
