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aussenjam8 - Bluetude - Scotts Version

Hallo Aussenjammers! Dank Jochen für das Einladen ich und für die Eintragung des großen Jam Station backing. Ich hoffe mein "Alta Vista" Deutscher ist OKAY! Ich notierte Bluetude mit meiner POD XT, Analogman Silvermod TS9 und mein Baker B1. Ich hoffe, daß Sie es mögen! Ich höre zu den anderen Staus jetzt.

Scott Lerners Version


Re: Aussenjam backing #8 - Sorry for my bad German translation!

Hi Scott,

: Here is my jam on the Aussen backing #8.

just heard your version and it's great. Wonderful sound, great playing.

My personal, totally subjective opinion on your translation: feel free to write in English, it's much better to read and understand than this terrible Altavista translations. Don't blame us for replies in German, or in bad English like mine, and - music is international.

Keep rockin'

Re: Aussenjam backing #8 - Sorry for my bad German translation!

Hi there,

English may well serve as a lingua franca in this forum. Aussensaiter goes international (what about a .com domain, Freedleeb?). Feel free to post in English, Scott.

And if you do decide to give it a try in German, just don't use a crappy automated translation and pleeease don't say "Sie". "Du" is way more appropriate here.

Good playing, Scott. The modded TS9 sounds *very* natural - congratulations, Mike.

What is a Baker B1?

cu, ferdi

Re: Aussenjam backing #8 - Sorry for my bad German translation!

Hello Scott,

by chance I've already known your wonderful backing track, don't ask me how it found its way to my hard drive. Unfortunately I I haven't dealt with recording stuff on the computer at that time. I'll try to post my contribution later...

Your tone is great, beautiful phrasing an to this:

This was totally improvised from start to finish.

...the only thing I can say is: Hats off! Stunning technique, nice theme, never boring. It would be pleasant if we could hear more from you. Maybe you'd like to take a closer look to our remaining jam tracks?

Don't worry about writing in English, as mentioned above most people here will understand you.


Re: Aussenjam backing #8 - Sorry for my bad German translation!

Dear Scott,
I was just about to finally record my contribution to jam #8 (after fixing a broken high e string and doing several re-tuning), when I paused, listened to your tune and read

This was totally improvised from start to finish.

Damn, you made me put my guitar aside for this evening, sighing. Will try tomorrow, I think.

Take this for a compliment, dude :)


Thank you for the nice comments. I wanted to clarify the improvised comment. At 2:40, I did a punch in during the sustained note. It is all 1 take from beginning to then and then from 2:40 to the end. So it is really 2 pieces that were improvised.

Thanks again for listening and commenting! I'll check out the other backings and see what I can do :)
