Re: (Sonstiges) Gurt -> Schwerpunkt ->

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Beitrag von micha vom Januar 26. 2003 um 12:40:04:

Als Antwort zu: Re: (Sonstiges) Gurt -> Schwerpunkt -> geschrieben von groby am Januar 25. 2003 um 22:34:59:


: Mach's wie ich. Ich habe drei Monate lang meine Gravitationsrechnung nicht bezahlt. Jetzt haben sie mir die Schwerkraft abgedreht.
Lese er dies:

Top scientists agree that with the present rate of consumption, the earth's
supply of gravity will be exhausted before the 24th century. As man
struggles to discover cheaper alternatives, we need your help. Please...


Follow these simple suggestions:

(1) Walk with a light step. Carry helium balloons if possible.
(2) Use tape, magnets, or glue instead of paperweights.
(3) Give up skiing and skydiving for more horizontal sports like curling.
(4) Avoid showers .. take baths instead.
(5) Don't hang all your clothes in the closet ... Keep them in one big pile.
(6) Stop flipping pancakes



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