Re: (Aussenjam) #61 Three Pennies on a Rail - Clayville

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Beitrag von Jochen vom September 27. 2006 um 11:55:31:

Als Antwort zu: Re: (Aussenjam) #61 Three Pennies on a Rail - Clayville geschrieben von Clayville am September 26. 2006 um 14:22:04:

Hi Clay,

"Mine looks like this (if I can figure out how to post an image!)"

Here's your pic:

Beautiful guitar btw. :-)

Our main-webmaster made a tool, it's here: Friedlink - linking tool

It can be used for links, images and image-links and it's easy to use.

First you have to choose what kind of link you want, a normal link (to a website, a file aso - that kind of link you used in your post), a graphical link (creates a link to a picture, for example you post a thumbnail of your guitar and when you click to it a new page opens with the pic in it's original size) or a graphic (that's what I used above).

Here's an example for the graphical link:

(just click on the little pic and the bigger version will open in a new window)

There are two buttons saying: "Mach mir den Link" and "link für UBB-Foren", the left one works here and with normal webpages, the right one works perfect on the LPF.

Hope that was of any help,


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