Re: (Aussenjam) #61 Three Pennies on a Rail - Clayville

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Beitrag von Clayville vom September 24. 2006 um 15:08:37:

Als Antwort zu: Re: (Aussenjam) #61 Three Pennies on a Rail - Clayville geschrieben von Dan am September 24. 2006 um 14:36:14:

Thanks very much for the listen and the compliments guys!

The first and main guitar is a Gibson CS-356 - I've never been quite sure if it's the ebony board or the overall body design that gives it that bright Tele-like sound on the bridge pickup, but it's a very versatile guitar with a great woody neck pickup tone not in evidence here as well. The second guitar that comes in (with the heavier reverb) is a Nashville Tele. Both guitars are stock, and were recorded direct with a Womanizer pedal. Reverb and delays came from ProTools.


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