Re: (philosophie) die aussenjams, die licks, narzismus, der leere kopf und die lust am üben

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Beitrag von Hanky vom Oktober 06. 2004 um 04:04:36:

Als Antwort zu: Re: (philosophie) die aussenjams, die licks, narzismus, der leere kopf und die lust am üben geschrieben von Scott Lerner am Oktober 05. 2004 um 16:48:53:


take it easy, I guess if I wasn't one I wouldn't be much into german either ;-.)
The post is basically about how you're getting discriminated by your family just because you're listening to your just recorded jam track for the 101st time and then some thoughts about how you incorporate licks and stuff you heard in the jams into your own playing...

take care

: Babelfish stinks!!! I have no idea what this is about ;)

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