Re: (Sonstiges) Kuriose Gerichtsaktivitäten - das gibt's wohl nur bei den Amis...

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Beitrag von auster vom April 10. 2003 um 19:05:38:

Als Antwort zu: (Sonstiges) Kuriose Gerichtsaktivitäten - das gibt's wohl nur bei den Amis... geschrieben von jacQui am April 09. 2003 um 15:01:55:


lustige Geschichte aus dem Reich der Urban Legends. Die Zweifel an der Echtheit der Episode lassen sich nicht nur durch Pepes juristischen Sachverstand, sondern zum Beispiel auch durch Weiterlesen von folgender Seite, die die Zigarrengeschichte kommentiert wiedergibt, entschieden verfestigen.

Liebe Grüße



The events related above did not occur in Charlotte, N.C., or anywhere else. This is the latest (and most verbose) retelling of an old urban legend that has roots in humor. In some variations, the cigar-buyer is just an average scammer, in others, he's an accountant. In every version, however, his clever scheme always backfires and he ends up losing more than he won.

This tale and others like it give us hope that, in this overly-litigious society plagued by frivilous lawsuits and scams, justice does prevail and that clever crimes have equally clever consequences. In short, we want it to be true.

There is no such thing as the "Criminal Lawyers Award Contest." Interestingly, my Internet searches for that phrase turned up many links, but they all led to a form to fill out for legal advice. While they are hosted on different servers, the forms are all identical and credited to the Legal Assistance Network. No information is available about that organization without filling out the form. I'll stop short of calling this chain letter a front for a scam to obtain contact information, but the coincidence is definitely fishy. Break this chain.

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