Re: (Sonstiges) Bush und sprechen...

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Beitrag von bO²gie vom Oktober 21. 2002 um 03:35:55:

Als Antwort zu: (Sonstiges) Bush und sprechen... geschrieben von Woody am Oktober 20. 2002 um 23:24:21:

: DAS wollte ich euch nicht vorenthalten.

... und das auch nicht:

At a press conference today, Tipper Gore announced that she's going back on the Campaign Trail with her husband, former Vice President Al Gore.

"To prepare myself," she said, "I have shaved off all my pubic hair. From now until the election, I shall sit on the stage with the former Vice President, and may occasionally flash my legs apart without wearing any panties. This will send a strong message to America."

"What is that message?" gasped astonished reporters at the news of this rather startling announcement

To which Tipper replied, "Read my lips ... No more Bush."

gnagna on ...

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