Re: Eagles...

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Beitrag von Jochen vom April 25. 2001 um 15:40:56:

Als Antwort zu: Eagles... geschrieben von C.Bux am April 25. 2001 um 15:27:57:

Hi Claus,

stand im Radio. ;-)) Habs die Tage gehört/gelesen, im Netz hab ich nicht so viel gefunden, hier ist was von Eaglesfans

"We're feeling a bit better about this. Since Henley revealed that Steuart Smith would be playing guitar with the band, we've gotten many many e-mails and IMs praising this guy and his talent. Yes we know he isn't Don Felder, but it looks as if careful consideration went into the selection of the man who has to try to live up to his reputation. Ryan M. was kind enough to send along a photo of Mr. Smith. Thanks Ryan!"

Gruß Jochen

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