Re: (Aussenjam) Aussenjam 100 - two different takes

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Beitrag von kleopha vom Januar 29. 2010 um 09:55:18:

Als Antwort zu: (Aussenjam) Aussenjam 100 - two different takes geschrieben von Scott Lerner am Januar 29. 2010 um 00:39:51:

: Hi Guys,
: Here are two takes I did on #100.   Both were quick improvisations.   So, some clams for sure!    I just played through the track and there were some less than perfect moments.   More than I would have liked!

hi scott,

you are one hell of a player, but i'm sure that's no news. i liked both jams very much -- the "robbenesque" sound suits the backing very well. as to the "dramaturgy" of the jam, i think if you added a few breaks and elongated notes (i'm not sure if the expression fits here), this might spice up this great track even more.



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