Re: (Aussenjam) AJ88 Jet - ClayMix

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Beitrag von Clayville vom Februar 13. 2008 um 00:14:49:

Als Antwort zu: Re: (Aussenjam) AJ88 Jet - ClayMix geschrieben von erniecaster am Februar 12. 2008 um 23:53:07:

Thanks for the listen. I liked the things I did to the snare for the second mix too.

This is indeed a great challenge -- not only for my CPU, but for a guy used to noodling with just a guitar track or two in his bedroom. Mixing drums is very mysterious to me, and I have only worked with vocals a few times.

I may mess around with it some more... so far I have not actually made any "producer" or editing choices, have not changed the shape or emphasis much of the actual performances in the service of the song -- or anything like that.

It might also, perhaps, be instructive for the mixers to detail what they did to the various tracks... especially if there is someone who really knows what they are doing! ;-)


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