Re: (Aussenjam) #65 Relaxed

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Beitrag von Clayville vom Januar 06. 2007 um 20:33:46:

Als Antwort zu: Re: (Aussenjam) #65 Relaxed geschrieben von littlewing am Januar 06. 2007 um 17:02:05:

Thanks dennis!

About the guitar: it's a 2003 CS-356 in Quilted Heritage Darkburst from a special run of "stingers" (with black paint on the back of the headstock) done for a store in Washington State called Music Machine. They're no longer a Gibson dealer (long story). As far as I know, there were only two made in this configuration/color.

335s always felt too big to me, so when this model came alaong I fell in love. They are not easy to find (almost impossible in 2003) and I ended up buying this one over the phone without ever trying one. Man did I get lucky! The current CS-336 uses the same construction, but has a rosewood board, dot inlays and more plain styling. 356s like mine have ebony boards and LP Custom/ES-345 style inlays and binding, gold hardware.

The back and sides are routed out of a solid, thick plank of mahogany leaving some center block area, then the maple top is glued on and then routed/carved like an LP. They only weigh a little over 7 lbs, and the overall body size is just a little larger than an LP -- much smaller than a 335, but not head-heavy at all.

They're very, very veratile guitars -- I can get all the way from a warm and woody 335 sound, through LP-like growl to almost Tele spank with this one guitar.

There are lots more examples of this guitar "in action" at my soundclick site (mostly jams from the LP Forum, look for pictures of this guitar in front of the track).

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