Re: Donnerwetter aus dem Acoustifier.

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Beitrag von NEILs vom April 18. 2006 um 12:43:21:

Als Antwort zu: Donnerwetter aus dem Acoustifier. geschrieben von Waufel am April 17. 2006 um 17:15:55:

Hallo Waufel,

mein alltime favourite hat deshalb seine Federn ausgegliedert und stellt sie unter die Bühne wodurch die Bärentanz-Resonanz ausgeschaltet ist.

Auszug aus einem Interview, wiedergegeben unter


JO: What effects do you use the most?

NY: An original tube Echoplex, an MXR analog delay, a Boss flanger, and an old white Fender reverb unit with new springs that are separate. The springs are on a microphone stand that goes on the cement floor of the building. It extends up to the bottom of the stage, and the spring stands on top of the microphone stand and the wire comes through a hole in the stage completely separate. I can't use it if I don't do that, because if I jump onstage, the spring rattles. It has to be isolated from the surface of anything that's vibrating.

JO: What if you can't drill a hole in the stage?

NY: No, we do it. We just put a hole in the stage. There's always a way. It can't be very far away, because with a long wire, you lose the fidelity, the high end where the reverb lives, so the magic is gone. You've got to keep it close and really short.

Also: Beim nächsten Gig Bohrmaschine nicht vergessen.


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