Re: (Band) Hilfe!!! Songtext gesucht

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Beitrag von Friedlieb vom September 21. 2000 um 08:14:03:

Als Antwort zu: (Band) Hilfe!!! Songtext gesucht geschrieben von Klaus am September 21. 2000 um 07:53:00:

Hi Klaus,

: -Kennt jemand eine geniale Suchmaschinen für deutsche Texte? (fast ideal)

Leider nicht, aber ein guter Einstiegspunkt ist immer die Suchmaschinen-Übersicht auf Ernesto's Gitarrenlehrerseiten.

Ansonsten halt den englischen Text übersetzen:

Let's Have A Party

Artist: Wanda Jackson with instrumental backup by Gene Vincent's Blue Caps.
Peaked at # 37 in 1960
Written by Phil Baxter, Cliff Friend, and Joe Haymes

Some people like to rock, some people like to roll
But movin' and a-groovin's gonna satisfy my soul
Let's have a party
Hoo, let's have a party
Well, send `im to the store Let's buy some more
Let's have a party tonight

I never kissed a bear, I never kissed a *`coon*
But I can shake a chicken in the middle of the room
Let's have a party
Hoo, let's have a party
Well, send `im to the store Let's buy some more
Let's have a party tonight

I never kissed a bear, I never kissed a goon (?)
But I can shake a chicken in the middle of the room
Let's have a party
Hoo, let's have a party
Well, send `im to the store Let's buy some more
Let's have a party tonight

Honky-Tonky' Joe is knockin' at the door
Bring him in an' fill `im up an' sit `im on the floor
Let's have a party
Hoo, let's have a party
Well, send `im to the store Let's buy some more
Let's have a party tonight

The meat is on the stove, the bread's a-gettin' hot
Everybody run, they got the `possum in the pot
Let's have a party
Hoo, let's have a party
Well, send `im to the store Let's buy some more
Let's have a party tonight

Let's have a party tonight
Let's have a party tonight
We're gonna have a party tonight

TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: The word "'coon" is a guess because it is really hard to
understand. The word does have a long-O sound which is fairly close to rhyming
with the subsequent "room". Plus there are 2 other animals mentioned, a bear
and a `possum", so why not a raccoon, too?

Schickt das Ding doch einfach durch den Babelfisch... ;-)

Keep rockin'

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