Aussensaiter-Forum - Beitrag 48502 von groby

Re: (Sonstiges) right now (almost) everything sucks !!

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Beitrag von groby vom Juli 31. 2002 um 10:05:25:

Als Antwort zu: (Sonstiges) Im Moment ist (fast) alles Mist !! geschrieben von Jorge Garcia am Juli 31. 2002 um 04:54:42:


Mach doch ein Lied draus. Einen Blues am besten.

The Right-Now-(Almost)-Everything-Sucks-Blues

Woke up this morning
My life's a bitch
And so is my dog
It's making me itch

I'd love to dance
to some funky hits
but my favorite club
Is full of all them lil' kids

Even in the chat room
someone's messing around
but what's even worse
he's using MY account

I got the right-now-(almost)-everything-sucks-blues
Yeah I got the right-now-(almost)-everything-sucks-blues so bad.
And let my tell you people
It's the worst right-now-(almost)-everything-sucks-blues I ever had

I really want go now
To the swimming pool at last
And show pubescent girls
My hairy thonged ass

But instead of solving
these problems of mine
I surf the net
and whine and whine and whine

I got the right-now-(almost)-everything-sucks-blues
Yeah I got the right-now-(almost)-everything-sucks-blues so bad.
And let my tell you people:
It's the worst right-now-(almost)-everything-sucks-blues I ever had
Big bad right-now-(almost)-everything-sucks-blues come down on me at last.
